Hello 👋🏻, my name is Dan.
I'm a full-stack web developer.
Hello! My name is Dan, and I am a self-taught web developer from Chicago, IL.
Every night before I got to bed, I always ask myself what I have learned that day. Because to me, a day without learning, is a day that I will have to repeat all over again tomorrow. Learning is what pushes us forward, and no day is complete without it.
So when I rediscovered the wide world of web possibilities, there is no wonder why it has stuck with me ever since. And I look forward to the seemingly endless amount of knowledge it has for me to unlock.
NodeExpressReactMongoDBUsers create leagues then invite friends/foes to join and see who can best predict how long new TV shows will last.
Weekend Box Off
SupabaseNext.jstailwindcssUsers compete against each other to see who can most accurately predict this weekends box office results.
Gimme Five
NodeExpressReactPostgreSQLUsers get help ranking their ideas and decisions by listing up to 5 of them, and then submiting that list to the community for voting, comments, and discussion.